We’ve all heard the phrase, “the greater the risk, the greater the reward”, but in the grand scheme of things, is fashion actually risky? Although it may not endanger us physically, the idea of taking a fashion risk potentially threatens our sense of identity and self-confidence. It’s easier for us to stay “safe” in our sense of style (or lack thereof) than risk feeling foolish, but taking risks helps us grow. We can use fashion to escape or make new discoveries. We can surprise ourselves and we can certainly have fun!
In these times when our focus is safety and comfort (and dare I say boredom?!) I encourage you to consider taking a fashion risk this fall. This doesn’t mean you have to wear a sequin cape to Publix (I’m not asking you to become Lady Gaga) but here are five ways I encourage you to push your style boundaries this coming season.
All hail Lady Gaga, Queen of Fashion Risk!
Wear a bold trend.
I know, I know this goes against a lot of fashion advice you tend to hear from stylists about sticking to classic pieces, but a trend can be a fun escape from your everyday style rut. There are several trends always happening at once so find one that intrigues you and go for it! My fall trend recommendation: a statement sweater or blouse. (Stay tuned for my favorite fall finds coming soon!)
2. Try a new color or add a print and some sparkle.
Remember how the Wizard of Oz started out in black and white and then about 10 minutes in everything changed to color? Glinda’s glittery pink dress, those red, ruby slippers (WANT!) and that bold, yellow brick road held us transfixed. Color can be magical! Is everything hanging in your closet black or is it all cream and tan? Try some color for a change of pace! Illuminating yellow is one of the pantones of the year and deeply saturated colors like pink, emerald and lilac are everywhere for fall. If you only wear solids, why not inject a little excitement with a whimsical print or some sassy embellishment?
Illuminating yellow jacket by Generation Love, playful print dress by Farm Rio, and embellished black tee by Sandro Paris.
3. risk Wearing something that FITS.
If you’re not body confident it’s easy to cocoon yourself in oversize sweaters, tunics, and wraps, but more fabric volume actually gives the appearance of being larger than you might wish. Look for pieces that skim the body, not hide it! Even wearing a pant or sleeve that’s too long can overwhelm your frame and feel disproportionate for your figure. Take the time to get proper alterations and I guarantee your risk will pay off with lots of compliments.
4. Invest in yourSelf.
One of the biggest hesitations I hear from clients is whether or not they should spend money on themselves. While it’s fun to score a cheap thrill from Target, spending more on a piece that’s perfectly tailored and made of high quality fabric pays off more in the long run. Risk believing you are worth it!
5. Let yourself SHINE!
Of all the challenges, this might be the hardest. How often do you brush off a compliment or defuse praise? Why is it so hard to see ourselves as those who love us do? As women, we’ve been trained to diminish ourselves with modesty in the name of manners, but a simple “thank you” without excuse or explanation is all that’s necessary. Owning our greatness and our stylish, badass selves might be the most impressive risk we ever take.
Fall appointments are filling up quickly! Contact me now to get yours on the calendar.